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Lafert becomes Approved Exporter: the quality that improves efficiency.
The status of "Approved Exporter" is reached only after checking that all components used in the industrial manufacturing process have a guaranteed Italian origin.

15/07/2013 | COMPANY
Lafert becomes Approved Exporter: the quality that improves efficiency.
The status of "Approved Exporter" is reached only after checking that all components used in the industrial manufacturing process have a guaranteed Italian origin.

From now on Lafert as an "Approved Exporter" will be able to offer significantly improved trade facilities to the customers of the extra-EU countries that have signed suitable agreements*:

•   huge reductions in the cost of customs duties;
•   simplified trade documents (the Eur1 form is replaced with simple wording directly written in the sales document);
•   faster fulfilment and completion of customs operations.

Such certification is therefore strong evidence demonstrating the appreciated value of Lafert: firstly, the constructive business philosophy related to precise choices of material, production process  and quality control and secondly, the constant attention to customer's needs and wishes by means of giving the highest satisfaction-oriented service, in both technical and relationship terms.

*up to now: Algeria, Chile, South Chorea, Croatia, Egypt, Israel, Mexico, Norway, Syria, South Africa, Switzerland and Turkey.