We are a member of the Consortium for Research in the mechanical and mechatronic fields.

We will contribute to the development of cutting-edge technologies.

04/08/2022 | COMPANY
We will contribute to the development of cutting-edge technologies.

IRIS LAB is born: the Consortium at the service of Industry 5.0

On July 28, 2022, the new IRIS LAB Consortium was born, to which Lafert decided to join to actively contribute to technological research. The primary object of the project is the innovation, research and development with particular regard to the industrial sector of high-performance actuators and drives of mechatronics in general, as well as the implementation of artificial intelligence tools in this particular field.

The main protagonists of the project are Italian companies that, like Lafert Group, are leaders in the development and production of highly technological industrial machines. We have been able to find common points of synergy to carry out this ambitious project with the aim of finding new strategic, innovative and eco-sustainable solutions in the mechanical sector.

A special Consortium focused on Research and Development

IRIS LAB is a Research Organization in which the companies collaborate actively at the project together with numerous University Consortium already established, operating in mechatronics and industrial electronics sectors, active in scientific research in the field of high dynamic performance drives, in the conversion of static electricity into high efficiency, in advanced sensors and in the application of artificial intelligence systems for the advanced diagnostics and Industry 5.0. In addition to Lafert, high-profile companies in the Italian and international market have joined IRIS LAB such as: ITEMA S.P.A., BONFIGLIOLI S.P.A, Q.F. S.P.A., FAIST ELECTRONICS S.R.L. and CONSORZIO IRIS.

The network of collaborations that will be activated in advanced research projects includes Universities, both Italian and international Research Institutes and the most important European Doctoral School in the field of Power Electronics, Electrical Machines and Drives.

These collaborations, also through the training of young university researchers involved and highly qualified operational staff, will contribute to the development of cutting-edge technological projects and the growth of generations of experienced and specialized researchers.

Development of cutting-edge projects and protection of intellectual property

Through the creation of dedicated laboratories and technical facilities, the Consortium will allow the development and implementation of innovative and synergistic projects in the field of mechatronics and industrial electronics, from which the companies involved will be able to benefit directly.

In IRIS LAB, we aim to integrate in a virtual platform numerous experimental laboratories of Universities, spin-offs, innovative start-ups and centers specialized in prototyping, testing and validation of industrial electric drives and electronic converters.

We want to push in the development of projects focused on Industry 5.0, an increasingly sustainable, humancentric and resilient industry.

The Consortium aims to establish another fundamental synergy profitable for the sector: we will combine the engineering world with the legal one, through the creation of a dedicated data room that will have the sensitive task of controlling the constant flow of data created by research with high-profile technical-legal tools. In this way we will have the certainty of protecting the precious heritage in which we are investing.

The realization of the various collaborations described on the themes of innovation, electrification, protection of know-how, sustainability and digitization of companies, also has the common objective of guaranteeing new and important job opportunities in the territory in which it will take concrete form, contributing to social and economic progress.