Lafert together with the town: sixty years of history looking to the future.

Three days of stories, meetings, games and celebration in San Donà di Piave.
23, 24 and 25 September we celebrate with you the 60th anniversary of Lafert Group, together with the whole town.

17/09/2022 | COMPANY
The sixty years of activity are an important milestone for us. And for this reason, we have decided to celebrate together with the town of San Donà di Piave with the aim of reiterating once again the link with this territory and with this community. A synergy also witnessed by the presentation in the Municipality together with the Mayor of the program of the three-days celebration.

In fact, on 23, 24 and 25 September there will be three days of stories, meetings, concerts, shows and food that will animate some spaces of the town of San Donà thanks to a rich program of events arranged and shared by Lafert with the Municipal Administration and the involvement of local cultural associations. The will was to be close to these realities and support them to build a party together with San Donà di Piave and its citizens. 

The spirit of the sixtieth anniversary celebrations of Lafert are underlined by the words of the Finance Director of Lafert Group, Cristiana Damele: "it is a "party" that we wanted to do together with the territory and for the territory, with the support and enhancement of some activities and initiatives that were already planned to underline our link and special thanks to San Donà di Piave. This is a positive sign, despite the fact that today Lafert is part of a world-leading group, the Japanese Sumitomo Heavy Industries, it has not forgotten its roots and is investing to grow the company and its employees both in terms of economic aspects, but also offering an innovative corporate welfare able to support families".

In this three-day festival Lafert will also open the doors of its manufacturing plants to citizens who want to visit the plants to know the innovation and organization of our company. These celebrations are a way to celebrate our identity, our values and our history but also and above all to look to the future because this represents for us not a point of arrival, but a starting point.
And, in fact, in particular on Saturday with the appointment of the convention - "Improve looking to the future between innovation and sustainability" - at the local Astra Theater, we will address some strategic issues for our future and that are part of our DNA, thanks to the conduction of Marianna Aprile, Italian journalist and television presenter, and the participation of authoritative speakers such as Valerio Rossi Albertini physicist, academic and scientific popularizer and Enrico Pagliarini journalist of Il Sole24Ore and host of Radio24.

Below is the complete program.