Lafert Group protects employees and their families with an insurance policy against the effects of Covid-19

Employees are the real value for any company, they and their families must be protected and safeguarded.

22/12/2020 | COMPANY

Employees are the real value for any company, they and their families must be protected and safeguarded.

On this basis, Lafert has chosen to further strengthen the support for its employees through providing insurance-based protection in case of medical care needs.


At this particularly difficult time, joint efforts are essential, both to help limit the transmission of the virus but also to intervene quickly and effectively in the face of any economic difficulties for all as a result of the necessary care and the consequent recovery.

For this reason, Lafert Group has decided to take out a special insurance for all employees and their families. The policy provides a refund for the possible hospitalization and recovery caused by Coronavirus: certainly, a welcomed support and valued provision for the Groups employees during these difficult times.


This is a solid and firm commitment to the physical, psychological and social well-being of our employees. It’s merely a further demonstration of how the Lafert Group values the people with whom we share successes, growth and passion for the things we believe in.