New investments have been made at Lafert’s major plant in San Donà di Piave, Italy. The first extension phase of the plant has been completed: an additional 5,000 m2 have been built to optimise logistics in the production line and in the systems connected to it.

25/10/2016 | COMPANY

New investments have been made at Lafert’s major plant in San Donà di Piave, Italy. The first extension phase of the plant has been completed: an additional 5,000 m2 have been built to optimise logistics in the production line and in the systems connected to it.


"The work will be completed in the next few days – says Operations Manager Tiziano Tedesco - with the implementation of loading bays for lorries. The exterior work, the masonry, the drains and electrical connections have already been finished. In fact, the contractors have been working simultaneously to get the job done as quickly as possible.” 


This extension will allow internal process flows to be optimised, therefore making sure that the total time required for crossing the facility meets the time of value creation. In this way, we will be able to reduce internal handling by 50%. Specifically, - Tedesco continues - having more space available will enable the internal layout to be aligned with a flow logic that will allow us to reduce intermediate buffers and to adopt feeding techniques geared towards a lean manufacturing approach." 


"The overall extension project will consist of four complementary stages to be concluded by late 2019. The main goal is to prepare the company for the growth expected for the period 2017/2018. In the last few years, – the Operations Manager concludes – the growth in turnover has led to an annual 10% increase on average of the volumes handled."