The Lafert Moteurs sales branch in France celebrates its 20th anniversary.

09/06/2016 | COMPANY

The Lafert Moteurs sales branch in France celebrates its 20th anniversary.


In recent years our main goal has been – says Lafert Moteurs General Manager Patricia Tournier – to strengthen Lafert’s brand awareness in France and offer the big players of any sector a sound presence and a reliable team with experience and know-how. Moreover, we have built partnerships with key OEM’s and also launched new products onto the market, leading us to penetrate into new sectors and take on new challenges, new projects and new opportunities.”


HVAC, Pumps and Robotic are the sectors that are currently growing and showing positive prospects. Lafert can offer innovative technology for specific applications and we can do it with a high performance and functional design. The market has repaid our commitment –continues Patricia – because our motors fulfil the need for specific applications whilst ensuring high efficiency levels”.


In France, relationships and partner reliability are key. This is exactly why we are acclaimed and – says Patricia – we can offer our clients and partners a top quality service to build a better future together. With our experience and know-how we have built an important network of distributors and expanded throughout France. The next step will be reaching areas where we have no distribution.”


In the future we will continue to maintain our presence on the OEM market, we also plan to develop new projects and new opportunities into new sectors. Plus, we will keep on strengthening the brand through advertising, marketing strategies and trade fairs. Indeed – says Patricia – we have Interclima 2017 already in the pipeline.”