2011 Financial Statements: the best year ever for Lafert Group

On 22nd June 2012 the Lafert Group Shareholders' Meeting was held in order to approve the consolidated financial statements relating to the 2011 financial year, drawn up according to the International Accounting Standards (IAS)/International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and audited by KPMG.

31/07/2012 | COMPANY

On 22nd June 2012 the Lafert Group Shareholders' Meeting was held in order to approve the consolidated financial statements relating to the 2011 financial year, drawn up according to the International Accounting Standards (IAS)/International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and audited by KPMG.


The general overview emerging from the analysis of the main indicators shows an excellent performance of the Group that improves upon the already positive outcomes of the previous year in every sector. The most significant growth was in revenues (€ 109,304,000 +34% compared to 2010) and the increase in the gross operating result (EBITDA € 9,250,000), which both raise the net profit to €2,728,000. This positive trend is confirmed by the considerable value of net equity (€ 20,076,000) and the amount of over € 4,000,000 of new investments made during 2011, the average number of employees increased by 14%.

Such results were achieved thanks to technological and structural competitive advantages established over the last few years that allowed us to grasp the opportunities offered by both the growing market of industrial machinery manufacturers and new energy saving standards in force on the main world markets.

Highlights about the sales trend for the first half 2012  is showing a 5% growth, thus allowing the Board to confirm the budget expectations for 2012. The figures mentioned above confirm the excellent financial condition of the Lafert Group.