We have equipped ourselves with Model 231

A tool to mitigate the risk of corporate crime and promote a culture of legality and transparency in order to exempt the company from its administrative liability and protect the Group, its employees, customers, suppliers and partners

18/11/2022 | COMPANY
A tool to mitigate the risk of corporate crime and promote a culture of legality and transparency in order to exempt the company from its administrative liability and protect the Group, its employees, customers, suppliers and partners

Click here for read the Model 231

What is Model 231?
The Organization, Control and Management Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 is a set of powers of attorney, procedures, protocols, policies and internal controls that regulate and define the corporate structure and management of the areas identified as "at risk of crime". If correctly applied, the Model reduces the risk of criminal offences.

Legislative Decree 231/2001 introduced administrative liability into the Italian legal system for the company involved in the commission of a crime.

The adoption of Model 231 makes it possible to preserve the company from liability for a crime, only if the organization demonstrates that it has adopted and applied a system of "control processes", that it has made employees aware of this system and that it has appointed an autonomous and independent Supervisory Body with the power to monitor the correct application of the Model.

"We believe in Model 231 as a real tool to combat and prevent crimes of various kinds and to protect the entire Group. Lafert is a company that strongly believes in business and personal ethics, this has led us to adopt a new Code of Ethics. Lafert quality is the result of the virtuous behaviour of each of us within the Group." Cristiana Damele – Finance Director

Lafert, an ethical company
Over the course of 2022, we drafted our Model 231 and established an impartial external Supervisory Body, composed of three members. This demonstrates our sensitivity to ethical issues and our desire to protect the Group, our colleagues, partners and suppliers. The adoption of Model 231 allows us to:
  • set up a prevention and control system to reduce the risk of committing crimes within our Group;
  • increase the awareness of our colleagues on the risks of committing crimes and the criminal and administrative consequences;
  • inform third parties who cooperate or work with us that the violation of the provisions contained in the Model will result in the application of legal and / or contractual consequences;
  • reaffirm the non-tolerance, within the entire Group, of conduct contrary not only to Decree 231, but also to the principles and values that inspire our Company.

The sphere of interest covered by Model 231 is very broad and concerns numerous categories of crimes listed and described in depth within the document, including, crimes against the Public Administration, health and safety, environmental, money laundering, tax, corporate, etc.

Lafert S.p.A. employees are invited to participate in a training course on Model 231 held by the Chairman of the Supervisory Body. We are creating some additional tools for the training course to maintain its high priority and constantly strengthen the ethical culture within the company.

Supervisory Body
Model 231 provides a system for reporting suspicious behaviour, even anonymously. This system is managed by the Supervisory Body, external to the organization, allowing objective management of the reports received.

Periodically checks are carried out by the Supervisory Body to monitor and certify the compliance and adequacy of Model 231 to give concrete value to our system and guarantee company protection.

Code of Ethicsand Conduct
In addition to Model 231, we have revised the Code of Ethics, redefining the core values of conduct that inspire and guide the activities of all Lafert Group employees. We believe that the Code of Ethics should be a shared document, expressing the identity of the Lafert Group and of each company within it, a document in which employees can identify themselves: for this reason, the document has been translated into all the languages of the Group's branches.

Code of Ethics for Suppliers
In 2023, we plan to have all suppliers sign the Supplier Code of Ethics to guarantee ethical behaviour throughout the supply chain.

Click here for read the code of Ethics