The Lafert Group's Sustainability Plan

A growth path that will involve all the offices and all our colleagues

30/05/2023 | COMPANY
A growth path that will involve all the offices and all our colleagues

In March 2023, our first Sustainability Plan was approved, a document that outlines the objectives that the Lafert Group is committed to achieving over the next three years in the environmental, social and governance fields. Despite being the first Sustainability Plan carried out by Lafert, 82 objectives have been identified that can be perfectly articulated in a single ambitious medium-long term sustainability strategy.

With a view to continuous improvement, Lafert has set itself the goal of outlining a path of growth in sustainability, testifying both to the company's commitment to sustainable development and to the growing strategic importance of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) issues in corporate activities. Partners, investors and customers around the world are increasingly sensitive to sustainability and looking for companies with good ESG performance.

An ambitious strategy that creates value for us and for the territory in which we operate

Our Sustainability Plan is a strategic management, planning and control tool that outlines, in line with the company's values and mission, the guidelines and corporate objectives in the ESG field over a period of 3 years, 2023 to 2026, and has been developed taking into account, in addition to the objectives of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals), the initiatives already in place in the field of sustainability and the main projects under development undertaken at Group level.

It therefore defines quantitative objectives, concrete actions, roles and responsibilities of the areas involved, any dedicated budget and performance indicators (KPIs) that monitored over time will allow a realignment of the document on a quarterly basis.

The Sustainability Plan for Lafert represents a starting point and a fundamental step in our strategic evolution towards a logic of integrated thinking, favoring better coordination between the various company functions and a wider dissemination of the culture of sustainability within the entire organization.

Our medium-long term goals

Through the realization of our Sustainability Plan and its daily implementation, we want to define the set of actions aimed at responding to the growing sustainability expectations of our Stakeholders. We want to create greater synergies between business functions, as well as develop a more sustainable culture.

We also aim to strengthen our management of ESG issues through a clear accountability that allows the Company to effectively monitor and face current and future commitments and challenges, respecting and anticipating, where possible, the growing regulatory demands and those of our stakeholders in terms of sustainability.

In detail, 82 strategic objectives were identified for 9 macro-areas. These touch on very important and relevant issues: diversity and inclusion, education and culture, human resources, local community engagement, sustainable governance, innovation and digital transformation, quality and ESG services, the environment and the territory around us, and finally our sustainable economic growth.

With the Sustainability Plan, we have launched a process that will last at least three years and that will involve all the offices of our Group, as well as our stakeholders, in achieving ambitious objectives that perfectly reflect our corporate values.