The Circular Evolution Project takes hold at Lafert

Optimize consumption, eliminate waste, recover materials, strengthen capabilities, and generate savings of time and money. With these clear objectives, the Circular Evolution Project kicked off at Lafert in June 2023.

20/12/2023 | COMPANY
Optimize consumption, eliminate waste, recover materials, strengthen capabilities, and generate savings of time and money. With these clear objectives, the Circular Evolution Project kicked off at Lafert in June 2023.

Circular Economy is "a model of production and consumption that involves sharing, lending, reusing, repairing, restoring and recycling existing materials and products for as long as possible. In this way, the life cycle of products is extended." This is the definition of the European Commission, which has launched the Circular Economy Package throughout the European Union since 2018: a set of relevant measures to support a transition to a production system based on life-cycle circularity.

The Project involves about 70 people from the Lafert team, structured in different technical groups, and supported by an external team of experts, under the coordination of Massimo Zortea, professor of international sustainable development at the University of Trento and expert in environmental and energy law.

The Project aims to study which circular economy mechanisms are concretely applicable to the production and distribution chain of our business, both in its current and potential future set-up, considering costs and benefits.

Currently, possible concrete applications of the circular economy are being analyzed in seven distinct thematic areas: procurement, design, production, logistics, sales/marketing, collection and recovery.

The Project will conclude on March 8, 2024, with a collective event open to a selection of employees as well as stakeholders of the company, particularly related to the San Donà area. On this occasion, in addition to the results of this intensive business analysis activity, operational proposals developed during the execution of the project will also be shared.

All the results and elaborations matured by the working groups will be shared and made the common heritage of the entire company staff, so as to enable the maturation of awareness and skills in circular economy, also encouraging contributions from all sectors and from any employee.