Building our future through the technological roadmap

Workshops aimed at understanding the real needs of the market

20/12/2023 | COMPANY
Workshops aimed at understanding the real needs of the market

Last December 12-14, teams from Lafert Group's Sales and Business Development departments got together to make our technological development choices more and more targeted. An International Sales Meeting where the goal was to understand the needs of the international market to develop our technological roadmap. Three days in which different company departments were involved to get inputs of each area in strategic choices. Our International Sales Managers presented their analyses reporting on the most relevant trends, challenges, and opportunities in their markets. Through the workshops organized by applications, we collected the data needed to define our technological roadmap.


The workshops aimed to bring out the elements on which to guide the development of the Lafert technological roadmap both as an independent company and as a company part of Sumitomo PTC EMEIA division. The target application segments already identified by PTC EMEIA and reported in the mid-term development plan 2024-2026 were also analyzed, namely HVAC/R, Air Technology, Wind Energy, Material Handling & AGV, Industrial Automation incl. Robotics.
To maximize the effectiveness of the workshops, colleagues from different areas were involved:
  • International Sales, which was attended by Country Managers from Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Scandinavian Countries, England, North America, and China. Each Country Manager presented their market analysis on their strategic target market.
  • Business Development and R&D, who analyzed the opportunities exposed by International Sales as an important interface with local markets to develop innovative strategies for our business.
  • Application Sales, who supported the strategic formulation with their unique application-focused technical know-how.

Working together, these teams with diverse expertise enabled us to gain a broader perspective and create strategies truly targeted to our target markets internationally.

What is the technological roadmap

In outlining the strategy to achieve medium- to long-term goals, the technological roadmap helps us determine which technologies to invest in and how to implement them. It is the market that reveals to us what needs are driving the future of the industry to which we must give a concrete response to continue to grow and counter the competition.

Our technological roadmap has always been the result of market analysis and collaborations with our customers that aim to understand their real needs. We start with customers to develop the best solutions. We have always done this, but today we can have a broader view thanks to the other companies in the PTC EMEIA group. Our integrated products are the result of synergies between the companies in the group that include the joint work of the R&D department and our engineers around the world, but also the choice of a unified direction.

Creating the foundation for the development of synergies

Not only analysis, discussion, and strategic development but also team building activities. In fact, during the workshop we focused on strengthening our team spirit, encouraging collaboration, sharing and exchanging knowledge.

We organized a cooking team building class for our teams: 6 teams confronted each other on the preparation of a typical dish of the Veneto tradition, ravioli with radicchio and ricotta cheese, which were then served to us at the table during dinner.

A perfect tool this to bring people together while having fun, but also as a relational and relaxing moment for the team after a day of meetings and discussions.

Team building activities such as this help create the bonds necessary for ever-stronger collaboration. Strengthening synergies is what makes the development of our integrated products and business model possible.