The Canadian frontiers have opened for Lafert as it is now an Approved Exporter.

06/11/2017 | COMPANY

The Canadian frontiers have opened for Lafert as it is now an Approved Exporter


The CETA (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement), that defines the free trade agreement between the European Union and Canada, came into force on 21st September 2017. So Lafert has extended the Approved Exporter authorisation to Canada, as all components used in the industrial manufacturing process have a guaranteed European origin. 


This strengthens Lafert’s ability to bring commercial and administrative benefits to customers and partners in Canada, as well as in some countries that had already signed specific agreements in 2013: Algeria, Chile, South Korea, Croatia, Egypt, Israel, Mexico, Norway, Syria, South Africa, Switzerland and Turkey. 


This exemplifies two areas of customer appreciated value for Lafert Motors. On one side, our business philosophy to offer customer’s choices on specific materials, quality and production processes, on the other, constant attention to customer’s need for the highest satisfaction-orientated service.