Lafert Group amongst leading-edge companies in the Venice area

Based upon a study carried out on the 2014 consolidated accounts of all companies based in the province of Venice, the Lafert Group stands out as one of the leading-edge companies together with RBHold, Ligabue, Umana and Artech.

17/03/2016 | COMPANY

Based upon a study carried out on the 2014 consolidated accounts of all companies based in the province of Venice, the Lafert Group stands out as one of the leading-edge companies together with RBHold, Ligabue, Umana and Artech. 


The study, called “Top 500”, is an official record of an analysis of the indexes and performance of Venetian companies undertaken by a group of lecturers from the Management Department of the Ca' Foscari University in Venice. According to the research of professor Moreno Mancin, Venetian companies have combined revenues of € 19bn, and earnings worth € 262m with an operating income up by almost 20%. The average turnover is up by 2.9%.


The conclusions of the study have been published in the economy sections of main newspapers and Lafert is among the top five performing local companies in 2014.


The Lafert Group management team in a statement said: “Our results for 2014 stand out significantly when compared to the previous year. We have constantly achieved steady and sustainable growth and put down our success to selecting specific markets and offering diverse products to suit the applications, supported by robust cutting edge manufacturing processes.”