On 9th and 10th June, Lafert NA will take part in the PTDA (Power Transmission Distribution Association) Canadian Conference, an opportunity for managers from top companies to meet and discuss new market challenges and opportunities at forums and presentations on key industry data.

31/05/2016 | FAIRS

On 9th and 10th June, Lafert NA will take part in the PTDA (Power Transmission Distribution Association) Canadian Conference, an opportunity for managers from top companies to meet and discuss new market challenges and opportunities at forums and presentations on key industry data.


The PTDA is a networking opportunity. Indeed Lafert has set up a series of meetings with senior managers from top distribution companies” states Lafert NA President Sean Hickey, he continues “involvement and sharing all information will be key to developing familiarity with Lafert’s motors and relative advantages”.


From 12th to 14th June, there will be an event held in Toronto by EASA (Electrical Apparatus and Service Association), the international organisation focusing on services, repairs and sales of electric motors. Lafert will present its latest products, including a new range of self-braking motors with a high braking torque and its innovative range of PM motors, highlighting the use of alternative magnets (which are not rare earth magnets) and design.


The EASA Convention is the largest gathering of companies operating in the electric motor industry in North America and provides the chance to showcase the latest products and discuss market developments, sharing best practices and the best strategies. Therefore” – according to Lafert NA’s management – “this is an opportunity to meet up and exchange ideas. The event’s programme includes a forum with technical presentations about new products, along with consultancy services provided by experts. Moreover, there is the chance to take part in a number of sales and technical seminars on all aspects of the business.” 


In 2015 Lafert North America achieved excellent results in various sectors, especially in the industrial distribution channel, and we will keep on consolidating the manufacturer supply chain in this sense. Moreover, for 2016” – says Sean Hickey – “we will focus on OEM’s, especially for the HVAC, car wash and lifting sectors. Along with an overall strategy to penetrate markets with PM motors, our plans include developing a specific offer for the fan industry and a targeted solution for the growing packaging segment.”