Green motors at AHR Show in Orlando, Florida

AHR Show, the most important event in the HVACR sector, is back from January 25 to 27. More than 2,000 manufacturers and suppliers will showcase their cutting-edge products and systems, automation and control solutions, programs and services and much more.

18/01/2016 | FAIRS

AHR Show, the most important event in the HVACR sector, is back from January 25 to 27. More than 2,000 manufacturers and suppliers will showcase their cutting-edge products and systems, automation and control solutions, programs and services and much more.


"Our objective” says Lafert NA President Sean Hickey “is to further strengthen our partnerships in the HVACR sector. We intend to become a reference point in this field as we have in others. Therefore, the AHR Show will be a key opportunity to share strategies, visions and market demands."


Indeed, Lafert North America will focus on its IE4/IE5 green motors: the HP range of PM motors featuring an innovative design resulting from extensive research carried out in the field of energy savings. Synchronous motors from 0.37 kW to 30 kW with variable speed and sensorless drives, available with IPM and SMPM designs based on application requirements.


"It will be as successful “, says Hickey “as the previous edition, when Lafert's High Perfomance motor won the Green Building category as part of the AHR Expo Innovation Awards for the value of the product and its green-oriented technology".


"The HVACR sector” says Lafert NA's President “will contribute to the country's economic growth and energy efficiency will pay a prominent role. In this scenario – Lafert's cutting-edge products will be the wave of the future."