Lafert quality on display at the ADI Design Museum in Milan with HP Integral

Our HP Integral has been included in the Compasso d'Oro Collection, winning a place in the ADI Design Museum exhibition in Milan.

08/07/2022 | PRODUCTS
Our HP Integral has been included in the Compasso d'Oro Collection, winning a place in the ADI Design Museum exhibition in Milan.

Power and functionality together with the unique and innovative design of the HP Integral motor size 71, have earned a place among the 2020 best Italian industrial products convincing the Permanent Observatory of ADI (Association for Industrial Design) and winning a place in the ADI Design Index.

The Compasso d'Oro Collection, whose permanent exhibition is in the ADI Design Museum, consists of industrial products that have competed for the Compasso d'Oro Award over the years. The Awards, held every two years, recognize the most innovative projects among those selected and collected in the ADI Design Index. The selection, curated by a group of over one hundred experts, is based on scientific criteria: the performance of the product, the reduction of environmental impact, the use of new technologies and materials and the consistency. Created with the intention of recognizing the value of design in the industrial world and highlighting the quality of Made in Italy products, today it is the oldest and most institutional recognition in the world of design.

On June 21st the exhibition of the Compasso d'Oro Collection was inaugurated, including all the winning and contending projects and those recognized with Honourable Mention: among them our HP Integral. The exhibition will be open to the public until September 11, 2022.

For Lafert, this is the third occurrence in the ADI Design Index:
• in 2012 we were selected for our series of HPI motors 1st generation, also awarded with the Honourable Mention at the Compasso d'Oro competition;
• in 2017 the IE3 Premium Efficiency motors conquered the ADI Observatory again thanks to its very high energy efficiency, over 200 available customizations and highly innovative design;
• in 2021 the new generation of HP Integral motors has once again confirmed our focus on innovation, energy saving and product design.

"Seeing our HP Integral exhibited at the ADI Design Museum makes us proud of the results achieved in recent years and, with new motivation, pushes us to undertake the path we are facing to develop increasingly innovative products, with high energy efficiency. We are proud bearers of Made in Italy within the industrial sector and worldwide." – Davide Bravin, Sales Director.

The HP Integral is a permanent magnet motor with fully integrated electronics that achieves very high levels of IE5 efficiency developed to meet the needs of those who are sensitive to energy savings in their application. Maximum compactness, high performance, reduced energy consumption and reliability are combined with the characteristic Lafert spirit. This products smooth integration with its environment highlights the ability of the machine to intuitively manage its tasks, all with a user friendly interface.

Today the HP Integral is available in sizes 71, 90 and 112 responding to the need for a combined package, offered by a single supplier. This allows maximum integration between drive and motor increasing control, efficiency and performance.