ADI Design Index: for the third time Lafert wins a place among the excellences of Made in Italy

Lafert quality paired with a unique and innovative design have earned a place among the best Italian industrial products. With the HPI 2.0 motor, size 71, Lafert conquers the pages of the ADI Design Index 2020 by convincing the Permanent Observatory of ADI (Association for Industrial Design), consisting of more than 100 experts.

17/06/2021 | PRODUCTS

Lafert quality paired with a unique and innovative design have earned a place among the best Italian industrial products. With the HPI 2.0 motor, size 71, Lafert conquers the pages of the ADI Design Index 2020 by convincing the Permanent Observatory of ADI (Association for Industrial Design), consisting of more than 100 experts.


It is the third ADI award for Lafert. In 2012 we entered the world of Industrial Design with the HPI series first generation, also awarded with the honourable mention at the Compasso d'Oro competition. In 2017 it was the asynchronous IE3 Premium motor that captivated the ADI Observatory with the highest energy efficiency, innovative design and its more than 200 customizations to satisfy any application need.  Today it is the new generation of HPI 2.0 that once again confirms our attention to innovation and product design.


"The HPI 2.0 is a permanent magnet motor with fully integrated electronics that achieves exceedingly high levels of performance, with more compact design and more modern electronics,” starts Tiziano Rossi, Technical Manager, “developed to meet the needs of manufacturers with sensitivity to energy saving and resources but also for a careful and simple management of technological systems." With a significant electronic enhancement, the motor allows greater control and more intuitive integration into industrial systems.


"Maximum compactness, high performance, reduced energy consumption and reliability,” continues Rossi, “are the functional targets that together with a state-of-the-art design, create a strong Lafert family feeling. The final aspect is the result of a close synergy between Lafert and Miquadra Design studio. Through market research they have identified among the key points the new sensitivity of users for industrial components designed with an Industry 4.0 perspective." We are no longer looking for pure performance, but above all, better integration with the user environment to highlight the ability of the machine to smartly manage its task and interface with the user in a more intuitive way.


These characteristics allow it to be used in new applications, once again demonstrating our ability to adapt to changes in the market. In particular, we respond to the need for a unique product, with a single supplier, that allows maximum integration between drive and motor resulting in increased efficiency and performance. Today we are developing the HPI 2.0 size 90 and 112, to be launched on the market in the coming months, with even more power and full control of the integrated drive.