The 60 years of Lafert seen by the young people of San Donà

A long weekend of celebrations seen through the eyes of young people who live in our territory

17/11/2022 | TERRITORY
A long weekend of celebrations seen through the eyes of young people who live in our territory

The video tells the weekend of celebrations for our 60th anniversary and shows some of the most significant moments of our program of activities seen through the eyes of the young people of the local association San Donà Opportunity.

San Donà Opportunity is a youth association of boys and girls, high school and university students who see in San Donà the foundations of their future. It aims to give voice and support activities for young people aimed at professional and cultural development within the Sandonate area.

The 60th anniversary of Lafert was a fundamental moment for us: we collected numerous useful feedbacks to understand what is the perception that the territory has of our company. But it was above all a way to set new goals in terms of local involvement. We have shown the desire to open up more and more to our territory by finding more than positive feedback with the interest and participation of many people.

We are very proud to have been able to involve a heterogeneous audience that includes many young people interested in the activities of our company but above all who believe in the potential of our territory. In fact, we want to continue to be protagonists of the development of the area in which we are inserted, giving more and more job opportunities, expanding services to employees, maintaining a healthy and growing working environment and making ourselves bearers of innovation on all fronts: technologies, processes, corporate culture.