We focus on young people to support the future

We give concrete expression to the corporate social sustainability

07/04/2023 | TERRITORY

We give concrete expression to one of our fundamental values: corporate social sustainability

We support the young people of “San Donà Opportunity” Association as a fundamental part of the future of the territory in which we live, operate and want to participate as a company able to support social and economic development but also attentive to the sustainability and well-being of our employees. A future that we want to build together with the young people who grow up in our territory that we want to support and accompany to the world of work.

San Donà Opportunity is an association of girls and boys, high school and university students who see in San Donà the foundations of their future. It aims to give voice to young people and create activities aimed at professional and cultural development within the local area and beyond.

Social sustainability is a fundamental principle for us, so we decided to help San Donà Opportunity by providing support, collaborations, and opportunities to meet with an international company.

"Wonder Wire - The equation of loneliness" a short film expression of young people and the territory

Among the most recent opportunities to support the association, there is "Wonder Wire - The equation of loneliness", a short film created by the guys who got involved, worked with constancy and professionalism acquiring transversal skills useful for their future. In the realization of the short film, the students wanted to enhance different places in San Donà and neighboring areas and involve local companies, highlighting the roots and the socio-cultural context in which we are immersed.

There will be two main occasions to watch this short film in April.
The project will be presented with an official event on April 14th at the Leonardo da Vinci cultural center in San Donà di Piave from 9 pm. The evening is entirely organized and managed by the students of San Donà Opportunity and includes the participation of local authorities and schoolteachers, and some testimonial speeches including the Lafert Management Team.

On April 23rd on the occasion of the Spring Days event, it will be possible to watch the short film outdoors in Municipal Square in San Donà. The Spring Days are days organized by the guys of San Donà Opportunity together with the young people of San Donà Opportunity School who this year are united by the theme of sustainability but addressed through the arts of cinema, theater and music.

Book your ticket: Prima "Wonder Wire - L'equazione della solitudine" Biglietti, Ven, 14 apr 2023 alle 21:00 | Eventbrite

An exciting collaboration

It is not the first of the collaborative projects between Lafert and San Donà Opportunity, which saw the students enthusiastically participate in the series of events organized by our company last September on the occasion of the 60th anniversary.

We want to continue and make collaborations more frequent and be an active part in the growth of young people, supporting them in their activities and accompanying them in the acquisition of transversal skills useful in their future as citizens and in the world of work.

It is also a project inserted within a collaborative network between young people, the entire community and businesses, in a shared process of educating young people about the environment, landscape, heritage, corporate social responsibility and culture.