Lafert supports sport and tradition

Also this year we support two boats at the Historical Regatta of Venice

06/09/2023 | TERRITORY
Also this year we support two boats at the Historical Regatta of Venice

On Sunday 3 September 2023 the historic Venice Regatta was held, one of the most spectacular, picturesque and engaging moments of city life, an event of international scope but still followed mainly by the Venetians.

At the competitive Regatta two of the boats in the race were sponsored by Lafert Group: the very young on light blue Pupparino and the women on pink Mascareta, both members of the local Voga sports club. An opportunity to reiterate the closeness of our company to the history of the territory, with an eye to the future of traditions and healthy sporting competition.

The Regatta

For centuries the Historical Regatta has been one of the most representative moments in Venice. Every year on the first Sunday of September there are several competitions of the ancient art of Venetian rowing. A sport less and less known but that in Venice fills the banks of the beautiful Grand Canal with spectators. The athletes compete in the races on board different traditional boats: the champions of the oar on the very fast "gondolino", very strong racers on the six oars called "caorlina", the women on the agile "mascareta" and then the very young on the "pupparino" with an elegant thin profile.

Lafert sponsored crews

The blue pupparino of the couple composed of Gianluca Rinaldin and Daniel Burato missed the podium by less than 6 seconds. We at Lafert Group wanted to support these young people under the age of twenty for their commitment to a little-known sport but representative of the history of our territory.

News at Lafert is the sponsorship of the crew on pink mascareta composed of Luigina Davanzo and Mary Jane Caporal, historical couple of the event in which they participated for more than 10 editions to symbolize the closeness to such an ancient art. The two crews represent at the same time history, tradition, team spirit and the future of our territory, confirming the commitment of our company to local communities.