Rugby San Donà: Lafert awards 5 scholarships to the most deserving athletes

Lafert rewarded the boys who have distinguished themselves on the field and at school.

27/03/2024 | TERRITORY
There are 5 athletes of Rugby San Donà who in recent days have received scholarships offered by Lafert which, by this recognition, rewards and supports the most deserving athletes of the local area on the field and in their studies.

The scholarships are given to athletes in the classes of 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2008 indirectly for the purchase of school textbooks, the payment of school or university fees or, again, for the purchase of educational or computer materials related to training.

The selection criteria followed for the awarding of scholarships to young athletes are based not only on the results obtained in the academic and sporting activities but also on the continuity, seriousness and commitment shown on the field by the players of the San Donà club.

The ceremony in the Torresan Stadium was moderated by Prof. Luigino Zecchinel, president of the Academic Senate of Rugby San Donà, in the presence of the mayor Alberto Teso, and the councilors Simone Cereser (Sport) and Margherita Michelin (Education and Youth Policies).

Representing Lafert was the CEO Cesare Savini, who wanted to be present in person to convey on behalf of the company the support to the young people of the local area and their families, confirming the deep bond that binds Lafert to the local community - "It is important for today's young people to be able to grow humanly and sportingly in a healthy environment such as that of Rugby San Donà where respect for tradition is perfectly combined with aspirations and ambitions of all athletes. So believe in your abilities, because companies as Lafert are always careful to reward the merit and value of people".